buddha mockup image with 'Effective Buddhism text'


Buddhism is an amazing philosophy full of wisdom with great truths, however I believe Buddhists have lost the way of the Buddha and lack a real basis of impact. Effective Buddhism is a solution to those who seek to follow the Buddhist Path as Buddha Wanted. If Buddha was alive today, imagine the amount of change and impact he would be having.

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Buddhism Evidence Found Images


In current Buddhist society, the top Buddhist role models have iron wills, but lack real ACTION or PURPOSE behind this because of a misinterpretation of Dharma. Buddha’s four main vows tell a different story of how the Buddha should act.

The Bodhisattva Vows exist in many different forms; they are chanted as follows:

  1. 1. Creations are numberless, I vow to free them.
  2. 2. Delusions are inexhaustible, I vow to transform them.
  3. 3. Reality is boundless, I vow to perceive it.
  4. 4. The awakened way is unsurpassable, I vow to embody it.

The Bodhisattva Vows also said in this way:

  1. 1. Living beings are limitless, I vow to liberate them all.
  2. 2. Blind passions are limitless, I vow to sever them all.
  3. 3. Dharma gates are inexhaustible, I vow to know.
  4. 4. Unsurpassed is awakening, I vow to realize it.

Or, in the most laymen terms:

  1. 1. To save all people.
  2. 2. To renounce all worldly desires.
  3. 3. To learn all teachings.
  4. 4. To attain perfect enlightenment.

If you go searching, there are many other ways these four vows are written, but they are all telling the same thing, in this order. Click to Read More...

Buddhism firts vow  Explain in laymans way Buddhism second vow Explain in laymans way
Buddhism third vow  Explain in laymans way Buddhism fourth vows Explain in laymans way

The Ten Precepts:

A few examples of parallel movements to the 10 precepts are:

  • Not to engage in licentious acts or encourage others to do so. A monk is expected to abstain from sexual conduct entirely.
  • Not to use false words and speech, or encourage others to do so.
  • Not to trade or sell alcoholic beverages or encourage others to do so.
  • Not to harbor anger or encourage others to be angry.
  1. 1. A disciple of the Buddha shall not himself kill, encourage others to kill, kill by expedient means, praise killing, rejoice at witnessing killing, or kill through incantation or deviant mantras. He must not create the causes, conditions, methods, or karma of killing, and shall not intentionally kill any living creature. As a Buddha's disciple, he ought to nurture a mind of compassion and filial piety always devising expedient means to rescue and protect all beings. If instead, he fails to restrain himself and kills sentient beings without mercy, he commits a Parajika (major) offense.
  2. 2. A disciple of the Buddha must not himself steal or encourage others to steal, steal by expedient means, steal by means of incantation or… Click to Read More
Dharma Chakra-Precepts of Buddhism Explain through a Sculpture

Reiterating The Message:

Many buddhists today practice the seeking of enlightenment rather than practicing the way of Buddha himself. Buddha was an enlightened being who spread his philosophy far and wide, preaching and changing and influencing the world and his actions live on to this day.

Buddhists in most countries are seen as people who simply meditate. The idea is to relinquish attachment to earthly desires in order to DO MORE. Not to meditate all day to do nothing. In an effort of learning all teachings, we will re-evaluate the core values, and give a new perspective based on the teachings. The core re-evaluation leads us to the idea that Nirvana is something to achieve in this realm. And that leaving this realm is a negative desire in it of itself.

Let’s break them down:
  1. 1. To save all people: this is by far the biggest vow that is failed to be recognized by modern Buddhist society. Outreach is a non-factor. So many people who need this valuable information are left in the dark, with no outreach from Buddhists. Actual progress using technology (tools to increase impact) are completely disregarded.
  2. 2.Many people have regarded this initial vow as meaning to renounce. But here’s what the true text says “Desires for tangible things (such as wealth, property, or other material goods) or for pleasures of the body (such as sexual activity, gluttony, or other hedonistic pursuits). Buddhism teaches us to try to let go of our worldly desires, freeing our minds and bodies for a state of enlightenment.”As it says, freeing our minds and bodies for a state of enlightenment.
  3. 3. Learning all teachings requires knowing all things, we do not even know how consciousness works yet. To learn all teachings, we need to learn by the act of doing. There is no better thing to learn at this time, than how to spread change like Buddha did.
  4. 4. In Buddhism, enlightenment (called bodhi in Indian Buddhism, or satori in Zen Buddhism) is when a Buddhist finds the truth about life and stops being reborn because they have reached Nirvana.” In order to stop the cycle of rebirth, we must stop the death to life cycle. With infinite time our particles are always brought back to a conscious form. Until we find a conscious form to reach Nirvana in, we will repeat the cycle. “Rebirth in Buddhism refers to its teaching that the actions of a person lead to a new existence after death, in an endless cycle called samsara. [1][2] This cycle is considered to be dukkha, unsatisfactory and painful. The cycle stops only if liberation is achieved by insight and the extinguishing of craving.
Four Truths, Four Vows

This is another in my series of discussions of ideas Stephen Batchelor has been presenting in dharma talks since late 2010. You can hear them at

List of Buddha claimants - Wikipedia

Bahá'u'lláh - prophet of Persian origin, founder of the Baháʼí Faith stated publicly in 1863 CE that he is the promised Manifestation of God for this age predicted in all prophetic religions of the past.


Every year since 1983, Daisaku Ikeda, as the SGI president, has issued a peace proposal, exploring the interrelation between core Buddhist concepts and the diverse challenges global society faces.

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